Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Frankenstein have you ever

Have you ever lost some one you loved? when i was about five i got my first dog jake. he was awsome me and him were like two peas in a pod. we would play tag and run around the back yard together. but he all ways had a problem with geting out the gate. he would leave and not come back for a few days the last time he ran out the gate to go bark at the dog next street but he got hit by a car i ran into the street to see if he was ok but he was hurt bad. I ran up to the car and started yelling at the guy and broke his mirror and call him an a$% hole. that was the firts person i lost.

Have you ever felt so angry you wanted revenge? Yes i have when i was little i would not want to do my home work so my mom would get mad and put me in time out. so i would go into there room and pour water on there bed. i dont know why i used water but i felt bettere after i did it.

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